Why I went back from Product Management to Engineering

Not all careers are linear. This is my story.

It’s a daunting task to learn anything that is as complex as coding. People you follow are disproportionally more knowledgable than you are. You have acquaintances who are smarter. And every day you discover at least one new term that uncovers an ocean full of information.

You start questioning yourself.

These thoughts have a tendency to sneak up on you especially when you’re facing hard problems.

But you know what? There’s something worse than this.

Everyone else having conversations, but you lack the depth to pitch in. Working side by side with developers, but stopping where the actual fun begins. Reading up on all these new technologies, but not having the skills to try them.

Programming makes me feel accomplished.

Confidently hitting key after key, line after line to the sounds of your favourite playlist. Having all this work done at the end of the day and feeling the need to show it to everyone. Seeing the lines you wrote solving problems for tens of thousands of people.

Nothing else gives me this level of satisfaction. When you master a craft, anything where you create something, you get a certain type of high. And it is the reason why I started programming again.